Week 3
- What is an item on your bucket list?
- Does your car have a name? If yes, what is it?
- Show us your most used emoji?
There is nothing worst in your life than feeling stuck. If your life is stuck, you’re not really stuck in your life, you’re stuck in your mind. The Bible says that as a man thinketh, so is he. You are a house made of thoughts. Growing in life also means increasing in learning. You are not where your body is, you are where your mind is! The human mind has two functions, it remembers, and it imagines. Whatever you meditate and allow to replay in your mind, will determine the kind of life you end up living.
- Read 3 John 2: The fact is if you are going to grow in life you are going to have to grow in learning. Growing in life also means increasing in learning. Every time we learn something new, our life moves. So, for life to continue to be stuck it means people are not growing in their mind. The scripture says I wish that you would be in health, and I wish that you would prosper. God is not only interested in making sure you are born again in spirit, but He also wants to make sure your mind is renewed and that your body prospers. There are people that get hurt and they never move from it, and they live the rest of their life there being stuck. Tomorrow is today unless you learn something new. How is your mind growing?
- Read Matthew 22:34-40 The bible says we are to love God with all our heart, all our soul and all our mind. God says we are to love me like this: all your soul and all your mind – your mind is your soul, your soul is your mind, your will, and your emotions. Your mind houses your mind, your will, your emotions, your experiences, and your intellect. The mind has two functions: remember and imagines. We remember the past experiences and hurts but we do not imagine or have a vision of what we desire God to do in our lives. Do you know what faith is? Faith is seeing something in your mind that you can’t see with your eyes. God wants us to come of that stuck place in our memory and give our minds the ability to see something else other than our past hurts and experiences. We must remember all the victories that God has given us! What are some of the victories that God has given you?
- Read Mark 5:26-34 The scripture talks about the woman with the issue of blood. She was extremely weak, and she had spent her entire life, wealth to get better but when she heard Jesus had come, she said within herself “If I can touch the garments, I shall be whole” She sat there in the middle of her weakness and found strength to go in pursuit. God wants us to have faith, to have the ability to see it before it happens. Our mind is a minimizer and a maximizer. We can make it as big as we want it to be, and we can make it as small as we want it to be. And we will determine how bit it is, and we will determine how small it is. We set the criteria of FAITH in our minds. What is it that you are believing for? What are the criteria that you set? Because God will meet you at the criteria that you set.
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports.
Heart check: What do you feel is making you feel stuck in your life? What are some of the file cabinets that you keep going back to?