Together (Week 6)

Week 6



  • Where did you grow up?
  • Are you a backseat driver?
  • Describe your dream vacation if money was no limit




The anointing oil in Exodus 30 would go in the tabernacle. It was not one ingredient; it was a mix of ingredients. God knows how to bring all the components of people all over the earth that can raise an anointing that would change our world. The question is, what spice are you bringing to the oil? We are more significant as a collective than we are alone. The enemy has been trying to divide the body of Christ and the bonds of peace and disrupt unity. If we allow this, they will be wasted, and potential will never be realized. What the word says “when two or three gather, Jesus is in the midst. Apostle Paul said he “wished you would all say and see the same thing.” When the people of God speak the same vision with the same faith, no doubters are in the room. Jesus knew the importance of this, and when He saw doubters in the room, He removed everyone before He performed healing. We, as born-again believers, belong to a new nation, a nation of God’s people. This is not real until it’s truly tested. Now is the time we, as the body of Christ, need to be “together” more now than ever. 



  • Read Luke 3:21-22 Jesus is baptized. The scripture says that Jesus was baptized. While He prayed, heaven opened and the Holy Spirit descended like a dove upon Him. A voice from heaven said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased”.  Why was it important for Jesus to have the Holy Spirit? Why was it important that God spoke over Him and called Him out in public? Why is it important for us to have the Holy Spirit inside of us? 
  • Read Luke 4:16-18 Jesus is announced. Jesus went back to His hometown, where He grew up. He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath and stood to read. He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. When He opened the book, He saw the words and spoke it: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, sight to the blind, and to set the captives free. Why were the pharisees shocked when they heard Jesus speak these words? What was the importance of Jesus to speak the prophet Isaiah’s words over Himself?
  • Read Ephesians 4:1-6, 11-13 Apostle Paul is speaking in this passage that the body of Christ is one as a body and Spirit. We are to walk worthy of the calling that God has placed on us. We are called to walk in lowliness, gentleness, and long suffering, bearing with one another in love. Paul is calling for us to be humble and being loving and graceful with others. Do not abandon your brothers and sisters. The word says for us to “strive” to keep unity in the body in the bond of peace. Live a life worthy of calling Jesus your Lord and Savior.  How can we strive to stay together and in peace with our brothers & sisters in Christ? How can we protect the corporate anointing that God has placed on the body of Christ? 


Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray for your brothers & sisters in the body of Christ against things that try to cause division. Discuss you spice and what you are bringing to the oil of the body of Christ.