- What was your first job?
- What state where you born in?
- What are your favorite sneakers?
God is easy to love because He IS love. The bible speaks in depth about loving our brothers and sisters. This can be challenging, and it takes great discipline, mercy, and rebuilding trust to name a few. Jesus became a bridge between Jew and Gentile. He tore down the walls that the enemy tried to use to cause division in the body of Christ. We can miss our blessing when we perceive our neighbor incorrectly and will miss what we are supposed to receive from them. Treasures are hidden inside of vessels and clay. Jesus shifted perception and shifted reception in one conversation. God operates out of the principal of representation. Who has God sent to represent Him to bless your life?
- Read Ephesians 2:14-15 This scripture states that Jesus is our peace and has made “two into one” (Jews and Gentiles). Jesus broke down the wall of separation. Jesus made peace between us and God and between us and our neighbors possible. Jesus destroyed every wall and if we criticize someone, we are criticizing our brothers. We are not identified by political group, race, gender, or economic status because Jesus tore these walls down that caused division. Jesus is the bridge to our enemies, and He is the common ground that supersedes all our differences. How has reading these scriptures changed your perception of your neighbor? Are you able to shift your thoughts about people that do not agree with you because of what Jesus did for us?
- Read Ephesians 4:2-6 The scripture speaks about the calling we have to our brother and sister in Christ. We are to meet them with lowliness, gentleness long suffering and bearing with one another in love. The greater goal is to keep the unity of the Spirit. It is difficult for spiritual things to advance among division. If we want to see the advancement of the kingdom, we must make every effort on behalf of the Holy Spirit and what He is trying to do on the earth to maintain unity. How can we perform every effort to keep relationship with our brothers and sisters? How can we keep unity for the greater advancement of the kingdom and put our disagreements aside?
- The bible teaches of the principle that we receive people the way we perceive people. The way I regard you directly affects the level of the relationship I decide to have with you. Jesus was perceived by the woman at the well in a negative way because she was hurt by men. When Jesus spoke to her about her life, her perception of Him changed. Are there people in your life that you are perceiving incorrectly? What can you do to change that?
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray and ask Holy Spirit to reveal if there is a brother or sister you need to “make it right” with.