GGBN (Week 8)




  • What are some of your recent favorite reads? 
  • Do you have a consistent work out plan? 
  • What is your favorite ice cream flavor? 




Jesus did not get far with the woman at the well until her perception changed about Him. If you see the greatness of someone you will pull that out of them. If you see the best in a person, you will bring the best out of them. If you think God can use someone in a great way, you will receive the gift that they are. We must be mindful with the way we perceive people, because sometimes God wants to bless you with the most undesirable people. We must not be quick to judge the package that the Lord sends us. When we have a need Jesus will send it in an “earthly vessel”. Can we see past the dirt to get to the treasure? If we don’t, we might miss the very blessing that God sent to us. 



  • Read 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 The scripture speaks of being touched by the love of God and how that effected Paul. He said because he had been touched by a love that was such a force, from this moment forward he will no longer regard one according to the flesh. If we accomplish this, you can receive from anybody.   How do our hearts have to change towards people? How would that help us to be able to receive from anyone, no matter what the delivery person looks like? 
  • God operates from the principal of representation. Here are the 5 ways that were mentioned in the message:

-Tithe: 10 is the highest you can count in the numeric system and God views it as “all” we have to give.

-Lost: Adam represented us as we were born into sin.

-Saved: Jesus represented us when He died on the cross.

-Me: Jesus said “When you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father.”

-Least: Jesus represents the least, when we feed or clothe the least we do it for Him.

  • The story of Mary and Martha (John 11) was shared during the message.  Martha in the story tended to Jesus’ humanity. Mary ministered to His deity. Jesus said that Mary chose the greater portion. Discuss as a group, how do you see Jesus? Is He a religious figure or is He the lover of your soul? How do you see Him?



Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray and do a heart check with this question, if my answer for prayer comes in a package I wouldn’t expect, how would I receive it?