God’s People (Week 7)




  • What’s your favorite hobby?
  • What is the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
  • What would your superpower be and why?





(Read When Prompted)

  • James 3:14-18
  • James 1:18



  • Read James 3:14-18. With Satan as the God of this world and our systems, he tries to overwhelm us with his wisdom. He whispers in our ears to make us believe the lie of division and racism so we can in turn destroy the world. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son…” Jesus did not just come for the people to pray and get saved. Jesus came to fix the world and change Satan’s systems. But you can’t change the world before changing the people. Until you renew your mind you can’t live under the dominion of Christ because you only live according to the way you think. If we have hate and anger against our brothers and sisters without confliction or conviction there is something wrong. Do you know a believer that is constantly bitter and only responds through their emotions? Do you think they are living their best life?
  • When we don’t renew our minds we operate within our old mindset. Go back to James 3:14-15, bitterness is anger that has set for a long time and now has a system. This system will lead to self-seeking, jealousy, anger and envy. And all of these have to do with emotions that can take over especially having to do with racial subjects. Don’t get into conversations with bitterness, envy, jealousy and a self-seeking heart. Don’t say you are a representative of Jesus Christ if you enter every equation boiling over with emotion because you would be lying against the truth. Christians do not operate within their emotions; they are ambassadors of Christ. Don’t come into a racial issue with high emotions; come in with what the heavens say. You don’t represent your own feelings; you represent the government of God. What does the government of God say about racial tensions? How can we make sure to keep our emotions in check during heated conversations?
  • Read James 1:18. Since we’re born again we are the first fruits of His kind. You are not your own, you don’t get to represent you, you represent the anointing in you. Since you were bought with a price the anointing lives in you. The anointing doesn’t see color because we were made from the blood of Jesus. With the anointing we are to fill in the gaps to unify the church first then the world. How can we show others that we represent the anointing? Before changing the world, how do we change the church?



Ask your group how you can pray for them this week. This week let’s pray for those that are living in their emotions. Ask the Lord to give them strength to let go of their emotions and to receive the anointing.