Week 8
- What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
- Have you decorated for the holidays yet?
- What is your favorite holiday movie?
This is the final message in the Together series. Christ had two bodies; Christ the anointing sat on the body of Jesus. Eternally the man Jesus was not to be an earth dweller. His body was not meant to be here on earth forever. The intent of God was not for Jesus to be the only man on the earth filled with the Spirit but for all men on earth to walk with Him. So, because Jesus died for us, Christ is now the collective of many coming together. God does not see us as individuals; he sees us as ONE. If you think it does not matter if you serve God alone or won’t worship with all the others or give in unity, you have not discerned the body correctly. If one is hurt you all are hurt. If you are celebrating, you all are ready to celebrate together. The power and the anointing are in the unity of the Body of Christ, and we each have a piece to bring to the table.
- Read I Corinthians 11:18, 11:29-30 Paul speaks that he heard there were divisions among the church, and he believed this. The following passage speaks of the body not discerning, and for this reason, many are weak and sick, and many flee. Paul said that he heard about all these divisions in the body of Christ. He said some among you are weak, sick, and dead because you have not properly discerned the body. There are people that discern that they can serve God alone. No part of the body can survive without being connected. When we think our worship does not matter or our giving does not matter, it will affect the entire group. Why is it important for us as believers to stay connected to the body of Christ? Why is discernment so important?
- Read Ephesians 4:8-16 When Jesus ascended, He left five gifts behind. Jesus gave some to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to the church to execute the liberty and the freedom that Jesus had already won on the cross. Jesus operated in all 5 offices. These 5 gifts were foreshadowed in the story of David and the 5 stones he carried. God gave these 5 gifts to help with the equipping of the saints. This is not about them personally; it is for the work of the ministry. What is the significance to have all 5 gifts operating in the collective? Why is it important to be “deployed” from the kingdom?
- Read Revelation 1:5-6 God lives in the “collective,” and in this, God made us kings and priests. These are two different functions. John the Baptist could only announce the coming of Jesus. He was a priest but could not bring revival because He was not the King. Most people do not work in a church. A majority of believers work and live outside of the church. If revival is coming to our region, it will be because kings will go out where God places them and does the actual work for the kingdom, not just announcing it. Question to ask everyone in the group: Are you impacting your sphere of influence (at home, work, church, anywhere)?
Ask your members if they have any prayer requests or praise reports. Pray that the Holy Spirit highlight to every member in your group what is coming collectively and individually in the new year.